A 1-on-1 Phone Call with my undivided attention, time, focus, and guidance. Ask MULTIPLE questions about anything and receive MULTIPLE readings in ONE session! We can do as many readings in the allotted time we have together. Whether it's for guidance on your life, in love, or with your career; there really is no limits to the questions you can ask and the valuable guidance and response you will receive during our time together. It also makes figuring out the exact situation a LOT more easy when we are able to immediately communicate back and forth with one another.
Some people just want to know the truth, some people want to know how to move forward, others want to know what to watch out for… and others have questions about the past. I am also familiar with readings on the stock and crypto markets.
I like to have some kind of knowledge on what you are looking for prior to the call since I like to sometimes plan for the call and also I like to get straight to the point. My schedule is typically very busy so please be mindful that times are subject to vary by a few hours and sometimes I will have spots randomly open up if I finish spellwork early.
Make sure to enter your number and email at checkout. Email me with anything you'd like to talk about or a brief about your situation so we don't have to waste time establishing that on the call! I will be reaching out to both to best plan out good time slots we can work out.
Live Tarot Reading: 1 Hour Call
Once purchased, email
Answer and Attach the following into the email:
1. Subject the Email: Soulmate Date Report
2. Name and Full Birthdate
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